/BCO-DMO/CAMEO_Trophic_Position/AA-CSIA --species eq Dosidicus_gigas-- Level 1

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# PIs: Robert J. Olson (Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission) & Brian N. Popp (University of Hawaii)
# Cofrey C. frey C. Drazen (University of Hawaii)
# Version: 30 January 2017
sample_number  date_analyzed  Alanine_Avg  Alanine_SD  Glycine_Avg  Glycine_SD  Threonine_Avg  Threonine_SD  Serine_Avg  Serine_SD  Valine_Avg  Valine_SD  Leucine_Avg  Leucine_SD  Isoleucine_Avg  Isoleucine_SD  Proline_Avg  Proline_SD  AsparticAcid_Avg  AsparticAcid_SD  Methionine_Avg  Methionine_SD  GlutamicAcid_Avg  GlutamicAcid_SD  Phenylalanine_Avg  Phenylalanine_SD  Tyrosine_Avg  Tyrosine_SD  Lysine_Avg  Lysine_SD  Arginine_Avg  Arginine_SD  Histidine_Avg  Histidine_SD  
Dg1            2012-06-20     25.8         0.7         1.3          0.9         -15.2          1.4           9.6         0.9        18.5        0.6        23.7         0.4         29.8            0.8            23.9         0.8         21.0              0.3              14.5            0.8            25.2              0.2              6.2                0.7               8.1           0.3          7.0         0.3        nd            nd           nd             nd            
Dg4            2012-06-21     26.5         0.6         1.9          1.1         -15.8          0.7           2.0         0.7        19.8        0.7        25.5         0.6         34.9            1.1            22.0         0.8         21.2              0.5              13.6            0.7            25.9              0.7              5.8                0.2               9.5           0.5          6.8         0.3        nd            nd           nd             nd            
Dg6            2012-07-04     25.1         0.7         2.8          0.3         -16.2          0.8           9.3         0.1        nd          nd         23.5         0.1         nd              nd             20.5         0.7         18.4              0.3              11.7            0.9            23.4              0.2              4.6                0.6               8.4           0.6          5.7         0.4        nd            nd           nd             nd            
Dg10           2012-06-30     20.5         1.0         -4.6         0.8         -23.7          0.8           3.7         0.3        14.8        0.9        20.2         1.0         29.7            0.9            13.7         0.7         14.1              0.8              6.6             0.3            20.0              0.6              -1.6               0.3               4.5           0.6          0.5         0.4        -3.2          0.7          -3.2           0.7           
Dg15           2012-07-03     21.5         0.5         -3.5         0.4         -23.3          0.7           3.9         0.2        18.4        0.5        19.0         0.2         19.6            0.6            14.5         0.6         13.4              0.1              5.7             0.2            18.2              0.2              1.0                0.4               6.2           0.2          2.5         0.5        nd            nd           nd             nd            
Dg19           2012-06-23     25.0         0.5         2.5          0.5         -15.3          0.6           10.1        0.2        22.7        0.3        24.3         0.2         24.4            0.2            23.1         0.2         20.7              0.0              13.3            0.3            25.0              0.3              5.7                0.4               9.6           0.7          7.6         0.2        nd            nd           nd             nd